This guide is a step-by-step guide to using the Acute Immersive Platform.
In this guide, we will:
- Create an account
- Invite collaborators
- Upload a video
- Download the Acute app
- View the video in the Acute app
The Acute Immersive Platform is under active development.
There might be small differences between the screenshots and the current state of the platform.
Version 0.3.1 – January 14, 2025
Create an account
On your computer, go to

You’ll see an empty login page.
Navigate to Sign Up and fill in the registration information.

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.
The registration page is in two parts:
- the first part sets up your user account and credentials
- the second part sets up your organization, which will be owned by your user account

Once you’re done, click the Sign Up button at the bottom.
Once back at the Log In page, use your email and password to log in.

Invite collaborators
Once logged in, you have access to the Dashboard, from which you manage your organization and your videos.

New videos are created private, so only members of your organization can see them in the Acute app for Apple Vision Pro.
Everything in the Acute Immersive Platform is private by default. Other than you, your collaborators, and Acute employees, nobody can see your organization, your users, or your videos.
Click the Edit Organization button.

Here, you can modify information about your organization, if necessary. For example, you can drag/drop a logo image file that will appear in the dashboard.
Changes are only taken into account if you click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the form.
Now scroll down all the way to the bottom, you’ll see the organization’s member list, listing only you as the Owner.

Members can have different roles, which correspond to different levels of permissions:
- Owner: can do everything in the organization. The role cannot be granted or revoked.
- Admin: can create/edit videos, manage organization details and members except the Owner.
- Editor: can create/edit videos.
- Viewer: can view private videos.
- Guest: can view private videos.
The difference between Viewer and Guest is minor at the moment:
Viewers have access to various organization data including members, while Guests don’t.
Enter the email, select the appropriate role and click Invite.

You can rescind invitations by using the trash can icon to the right.
Invited members receive an email with a personal signup link that lets them register with a simplified form and automatically join your organization.

Once they register, they will appear with their first and last names instead of “Invited Member”.
Click one of them to see/update their roles and corresponding permissions in details.

Upload a video
In the Dashboard, click the New Video button.

The form has a lot of fields (information, production properties, image and video assets), but you can create a video just by entering a name.

Once you hit Create Video at the bottom of the form, a video record is created and visible from the dashboard (and from the Acute app!).

Click the blue edit button on the line of the video to modify it, and scroll down the the Assets section.

Drag-drop your video file into the Video File box and let it upload. It will take a while.
We don’t impose strict format requirements for video files, but our recommendation is to use h.265 whether it is side-by-side HEVC or multilayer MV-HEVC. In any case, do not upload RAW or ProRes footage.
Once the download completes, you can see a number of stats pertaining to your video file. At the moment we do not offer playback in the browser.

Don’t forget to click Save Changes at the bottom to make sure the video file is associated with your video record.
In order to kick off the encoding of your video file for streaming, make sure to select the right format, and click Save Changes. Selecting the right format is critical to ensure that the video renders correctly in the Acute visionOS app.

You’ll notice that the video file has a Stream Status:
- No File: the file has not been uploaded.
- Standby: the file is uploaded, but processing has not started (usually because Format has not been selected).
- Queued For Encoding: the file has been ingested and is waiting for processing to start.
- Encoding: the file is being process for streaming. This can take from 15 minutes to multiple hours depending on its size.
- Live: encoding is complete and the video is available for streaming.
- Failed: an error occurred while processing: we will investigate and try again.
Stream Status and Video Visibility are independent values. As long as the video remains private, streaming is only available to organization members.
Download the Acute app
The Acute app for Apple Vision Pro is not yet available in the Appstore.
Its beta has to be downloaded from Testflight. If you haven’t received an invitation, ask us to send you one.
Download Testflight from the Appstore app on your Apple Vision Pro.

Log in into Testflight with your Apple credentials.
Open the Testflight invitation link on you Apple Vision Pro, either by opening the email on the Vision Pro or by sharing the page by airdrop from your desktop/mobile browser’s Share… menu.

Once you accept the Testflight invitation, you are able to download the Acute Immersive app.

After the download completes, open Acute from the home menu, or use the Open button if you’re still in Testflight.

Click Start Testing (you’ll need to do this only once)
You don’t need to open the app from Testflight as it has its own icon from the home menu.
Do not uninstall Testflight, you’ll need it for software updates.
View the video in the Acute app
As of writing, navigation in the Acute app is bare bones.
The app delivers your videos via streaming, and not much else.
Navigation and UX will be improved through Q1 2025.

Sign in with your Acute Immersive Platform credentials.

Videos that belong to your organization will appear in the tab menu on the left.
Select a video.

If the video’s Stream Status is Live, a Play button will be available. The images that appear are the ones that were uploaded as poster, thumbnail, and screenshots.

As the video plays, you have access to the same playback controls as OpenImmersive.