What is Acute Immersive?
Acute Immersive is the first all-in-one distribution platform dedicated to immersive creators. From narrative films to live music, sports and entertainment, Acute offers its end-users the largest selection of immersive content available today.
What is the Acute library?
The Acute library is the public catalog of content available for end-users to stream in their headsets. This content is selected by the Acute Immersive team, to uphold the highest standards of curation and ensure a quality experience for our viewers.
Can I sell my content on Acute?
Any creator can submit their content to be selected in the Acute library. When they are approved by the Acute Immersive team, creators will receive a share of viewer subscription revenue, proportional to the total minutes of content watched by viewers every month.
Can I use Acute without selling content?
Yes. Creators have no obligation to submit their content to the Acute library. They can use Acute Immersive for their private use, and share public links to their videos or give direct access to specific users. There are no restrictions on features and the platform remains free.
How do you select videos for the Acute library?
When a creator submits content to the Acute library, the Acute team reviews it for approval before it becomes publicly available to viewers. This review process is determined by the Acute team and includes criteria for technical and creative quality as well as commercial potential. All decisions made by Acute are final.
How do you share revenue with Creators?
Our model is simple: every creator who has their content selected in the Acute library will receive a share of viewer subscription revenue. To determine this amount, we apply a two-step process: first, on any given period (say, a month) Acute allocates a portion of its subscription revenue to a pool that will be shared among creators. This pool is then distributed among all the creators who had content in the Acute library through this period, proportionally to the time that subscribers spent watching each of those contents for this same period.
For example, if we had 2 creators in the Acute library and creator A had their content watched for a total of 70 minutes, while creator B had their content watched for a total of 30 minutes, then creator A will receive 70% of the pool allocated by Acute to creators, while creator B will receive 30%.
Can I sell my content directly as a premium VOD?
Yes. Creators may choose to bypass the revenue share model of the Acute library, and decide to sell their content directly to Acute users as a premium Video On Demand (VOD). In this case, viewers will pay a fee for each content: Acute will collect this fee, keep a proportional share of this fee and redistribute the rest to the content creator. Each VOD premium fee will be decided by the creator and Acute together, and Acute reserves the right to approve the content itself.
Do you require exclusivity?
No. Creators who submit their content for the Acute library retain all rights to their work, and can show it on any other platform at the same time.